“It’s all a matter of life and death and none of it matters”
Welcome! As a psychotherapist in training, Nature-based meditation instructor, Dharma practitioner, musician, and athlete, I have dedicated my life to inquiring deeply into the nature of the mind and healing. For me, I call upon the 3M’s to guide me in this dynamic exploration of self, meaning, and love: Meditation, Music, and Movement.
I am a strong believer in the art of play, authentic expression, and personal exploration with the aim of cultivating more joy, awe, and compassion in my life and those around me.
My mission is to help people reconnect with and explore their true Nature through music, movement, and through contemplative Nature practices inspired by mindfulness, Buddhist psychology, Indigenous wisdoms, and evidence-based research.
I offer sessions in mindfulness practice, half-day and daylong Nature retreats, and park meditations in the Baltimore area. I’ll also never say no to a jam session!